by Kara Jones | Jan 17, 2020 | Grief & Creativity Posters
Excerpt from The Creative Grief Studio’s introduction to the Core Frameworks of the Creative Grief Support Practitioner Certification program. “There’s no universal curriculum for grieving and most of our own journey or that of our clients is a...
by Kara Jones | Jul 15, 2019 | Grief & Creativity Posters
To get printable of this one, click here.
by Kara Jones | Jun 17, 2019 | Certification in Creative Grief Support, Creative Grief Support Prompts, Reflect on Your Grief Support Practice
Our students often ask for recommendations on the “best way” to take notes during or after grief support conversations. We love that the main concern that question seems to come out of is something along the lines of, “How do I be both a diligent note-keeper, and also...
by Kara Jones | May 6, 2019 | Certification in Creative Grief Support, Creative Grief Support Prompts, Lit Review, Reflect on Your Grief Support Practice
“Narrative humility allows clinicians to recognise that each story we hear holds elements that are unfamiliar – be they cultural, socio-economic, sexual, religious, or idiosyncratically personal. Assuming that our reading of any patient’s story is the definitive...
by Kara Jones | Apr 16, 2019 | Certification in Creative Grief Support, Creative Grief Support Prompts, Lit Review, Reflect on Your Grief Support Practice
Grief can be a part of the experience of so many different kinds of losses, not just the death of a loved one. And yet, very few other kinds of losses are ever validated in our society, and we don’t really have social rituals for them, sympathy cards, or support...