for professional development


For Creating a Grief Literate World

Raise your Grief Literacy Levels today by taking one of our Short Courses. All of the following course are provided on-demand, self-paced, and with the full support of an online classroom to provide you space to access the materials and learn as you go. Start exploring your grief experiences creatively now!

Short Course Preview of our Certification in Creative Grief Support

Brought to you by our Creative Grief Studio Team & Guest Faculty, this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

This SHORT COURSE version of the Creative Grief Support Certification Program is meant to be an in-depth preview of the full certification course, including multiple samples of theory content, experientials, video demonstrations and more. You will see a preview of every module of the full 4-month course, but your access via this SHORT COURSE gives you access to only one or two activities per module. We hope this gives you a more full picture of what you’ll be experiencing if you should apply to do the full program whether on the Content Only track or for Certification. Please note that this preview version of the course is 100% self-directed and self-paced. You’ll get access to the full 16 week Preview upon registration, and then you can take your time, on your own schedule and pace, to explore the materials shared.

Please note that if you apply and are accepted to the Full Certification Course after taking this Short Course version, we will apply your $200 paid fee from this Short Course to your Full Course tuition.

Monthly Happy Hour for Death + Grief Workers

Hosted on Ruzuku + Zoom by CGS Team Members. Free but registration required.
First Friday of each month at 1pm Pacific.

As Creative Grief Practitioners ourselves, we’ve been talking about how hard these pandemic years have hit us. We thought to maybe open a once-a-month, free range, space to clink coffee cups and check in with each other as humans. We don’t have a particular agenda for our meet ups. This is a very improv kind of vibe, holding space for whatever is alive in the moment for each of us. If there is an “aim” with our Happy Hours, it is to have us all feel support and connection even as we navigate the difficult stuff of our personal and professional lives! Bring your coffee or tea cup and join us on the First Friday of each month!

Free, but registration required.

wooden desktop with laptop and cuppa coffee and the words "Bring your cuppa and snack to First Friday Happy Hour for Death + Grief Workers!" with the CGS logo in the bottom right

Creative Grieving 101: an on-demand heARTfull support

Taught by Kara LC Jones (Studio Co-founder) , this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

How do we stay creative while grieving? Or how can we use creativity to navigate grief experiences? This course offers you lots of creative prompts to explore. You are invited to respond to creative prompts in any medium such as writing, visual art, photography, or whatever way you like. Let’s begin finding our way and tending our hearts!

This is an on-demand session, so you get access to the logistics & welcome section immediately after you register. Then you get the 4 weeks of prompts drip fed with space to communicate your experiences with the facilitator. Click button below to get full details.


Blulish brick wall with red pink white heart and the words Creative Grieving 101 on it

27 Days To Investigate Grief

Taught by Kara LC Jones (Studio Co-founder) , this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

You are invited to spend 27 days exploring creative ways to investigate your grief experiences. Grief can be many things for each of us. Overwhelming. Confounding. Breaking our hearts open. And more. The creative prompts offered in this self-directed course are aimed at giving you an opportunity to enact a different approach to your relationship with grief experiences. In the prompts, we’re personifying grief as if they were a character we are interacting with in life, and each prompt asks you to investigate this character. You are welcome to respond in whatever medium you might like.


Digital collage of a sitting shadow figure at a doorway looking out to the sea and a zendoodle bird and sun with the words 27 ways to investigate your grief

10 Days of Body + Grief Exploration: on my mind, in my hands

Taught by Kara LC Jones (Studio Co-founder) , this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

In this session, we offer you 10 days of guided audio to allow you to curiously explore the relationship between the body and grief. Examples of creative response are offered, and you are invited to respond in any medium you like writing, visual art, photography, or whatever way you like.

This is an on-demand session, so you get access to the logistics & welcome section immediately after you register. Then you get the 10 prompts drip fed in 24 hour increments with space to communicate your experiences with our facilitators. Click button below to get full details.


Grey shadow figure sitting meditation stance with a black background and red words and heart in foreground that say "in my hands + on my mind" and "10 day bodily creative grief course"

Poetry Basics for expressing grief experiences

Taught by Kara LC Jones (Studio Co-founder) , this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

Give your writing practice some time and attention. Join us for this Poetry Basics to use during grief experiences on-demand course! You are invited to spend 6 weeks in this ecourse to explore Poetry basics that you can then use to explore your grief experiences. While we writers can be very solo beings, sometimes it is helpful to have space to share and connection to keep us inspired in both the writing and the grieving process. This creative grief poetry session will have weekly prompts, plus the added benefit of an online classroom space, open 24/7 where you can share, and communicate at any time along the way.


Black background with white writing that says Poetry Basics for exploring grief experiences with the curved logo from Grief And Creativity dot com

Chronic Illness Creatives

Taught by Christine Grothe and Kara LC Jones (Studio Co-founder) , this self-study, on-demand, online course is available for you to register and enjoy ANY TIME.

Being chronically ill doesn’t mean you stop being a writer or artist or whatever kind of creative you are. So we invite you to read, write, make heART in this self-paced community as a way of continuing and sharing your practice with like-minded others.

This is a 4-week, on-demand session, so you get access to the logistics & welcome section immediately after you register. Then you get 4 weeks of materials drip fed with space to communicate your experiences with our facilitators. Click button below to get full details.


Red background with white circle and lettering that says join co-facilitators Christine Grothe and Kara Jones come and explore what it means to be a Chronic Illness Creative, plus there are two circle bio photo images of the facilitators in the top corners
Q: How will I get the course materials and online classroom access?
After you complete your registration payment, you will be forwarded to log into the Ruzuku platform to become a member of the course. You’ll access all course materials on the platform.
Q: How do I get information about any in-person components of the course for which I registered?
All information about the course will show up inside your Ruzuku online classroom page. If there is an in-person component to your course, you’ll find when, where, how all shared in the online classroom materials.
Q: How will I participate in the online classroom?
You will need a computer and an internet connection. You will be directed to create a login for the private learning area after you have completed your course registration and payment. The classroom “Lessons” including discussion threads are inside the private learning area, which will become available to you upon completion of registration.
Q: There is something wrong with and I can’t get my username and password to work?
Because is a popular platform and many teachers host courses there, your account with them is set up to allow you access to any course you register for, not just Creative Grief Studio courses. For privacy reasons, we cannot therefore see your username, password, Ruzuku account information. While we can help you with issues related to our classrooms, we cannot help you with the overall Ruzuku account you create to access those classrooms. For this reason, if you have tech issues, please contact with any questions or concerns.
Q: Can I get a refund?
It depends on the type of short course you’ve purchased. 1) If you’ve purchased a short course that happens online, there are no refunds because from the moment you register, you get the entire course. Even if you can’t attend the live call session of an online course, it is recorded and given to you as course material, so you miss nothing. 2) If however, you have purchased an in-person short course, the refund policy will depend on the details of that course, needs for registration to fill or not, date confirmation needs to be given to location venue, etc. See your individual course information for details on refund policy.
Q: I have other questions you haven’t covered!

Cool. Email Tamara at and she’ll be happy to help!

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