Five New Self-Study Courses for You!

Cover images of 5 new creative grief self-study courses

We’ve added five new self-study courses that we are eager to tell you about! These can be used for your own grief processing or as something to pass on to clients who you think might benefit from the experiences. They are accessibly priced in the range of $30 to $50 USD each. Time commitments for these self-study courses is 10 days to 4 weeks, depending on the topic. Here’s what we have for you:

Creative Grieving 101: an on-demand heARTfull support (4 weeks)

How do we stay creative while grieving? Or how can we use creativity to navigate grief experiences? This course offers you lots of creative prompts to explore. You are invited to respond to creative prompts in any medium such as writing, visual art, photography, or whatever way you like. Let’s begin finding our way and tending our hearts!

27 Days to Investigate Grief (1 month)

Grief can be many things for each of us. Overwhelming. Confounding. Breaking our hearts open. And more. The creative prompts offered in this self-directed course are aimed at giving you an opportunity to enact a different approach to your relationship with grief experiences. In the prompts, we’re personifying grief as if they were a character we are interacting with in life. Each prompt asks you to investigate this character.

10 Days of Body + Grief Exploration: on my mind, in my hands (drip fed over 10 days)

Guided audio allows you to curiously explore the relationship between the body and grief. Examples of creative response are offered, and you are invited to respond in any medium you like, e.g., writing, visual art, photography, and more. This on-demand session gives you immediate access to the logistics & welcome section upon registration, then each of the 10 prompts are drip fed in 24-hour increments with space to communicate your experiences with our facilitators.

Poetry Basics for expressing grief experiences (6 weeks)

Give your writing practice some time and attention. In this Poetry Basics class, you are invited to spend 6 weeks exploring poetry basics to use to explore your grief experiences. While we writers can be very solo beings, sometimes it is helpful to have space to share and connection to keep us inspired in both the writing and the grieving process. We offer weekly prompts and an online classroom space, open 24/7, where you can share and communicate with other writers.

Chronic Illness Creatives (4 weeks)

Taught by Christine Grothe and Kara LC Jones. Being chronically ill doesn’t mean you stop being a writer or artist or whatever kind of creative you are, so we invite you to read, write, make heART in this self-paced community as a way of continuing and sharing your practice with like-minded others. This on-demand session gives you immediate access to the logistics & welcome section upon registration, then each of the lessons are drip fed with space to communicate your experiences with our facilitators.

Of course, we also still have the Short Course Preview of our Certification in Creative Grief Support and Facilitating Re-membering Conversations When Relationships Were Challenging, Abusive, or Troublesome, or When the Death Was Challenging taught by Dr. Lorraine Hedtke (MSW, LCSW, Ph.D. & Author) for your professional development. 

Take a look at these new offerings and let us know if you have any questions about them. Are there any short courses on grief and creativity that you would like to see? Let us know!




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