The challenges of fear after loss
Sometimes we’re asked by grief support professionals why we don’t teach Elizabeth Kubler Ross’ “5 stages of grief” model in our Creative Grief Support Certification course. One of the reasons for this is because of what Kubler Ross’ model leaves out. With its focus on...
Fears subsequent to loss
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Certified Creative Grief Support Practitioner Carla Harvey says…
"As a former funeral director, I was taught to handle my client's grief in a very old school way that had been deemed "the way." Through this course my eyes have been opened to a much more human approach to dealing with death, not only for myself, but my clients. This...
The answers don’t matter
At some point in our 4 months together, there is always a discussion about the grief support practitioner’s role. Is it okay to give advice? What is it that people are really coming to us for and hoping to get out of our time together? Is it okay if we too are...
Silence that kills, illustrations that bring new life, and grieving the loss of sex
We love to share with you the articles and other grief resources we find useful or inspirational. Here's what we've enjoyed recently... Silence is killing men Grief support practitioners are familiar with the skewed ratio of men to women who are seeking out grief...
Light up the ANDspace: a holiday kit from all of us here at The Creative Grief Studio
Click the image below to get full size PDF for printing. Just to give you an idea of how one person went with this prompt, we're sharing the photos below (click on each to get a larger size view). As with everything we offer, please make it work for you and your...
Certified Creative Grief Support Practitioner Katherine McCarron says…
"My work with women and children survivors of domestic violence was enhanced by the Creative Grief Studio course work. I was able to apply so many practices and learnings when working with the loss and grief experienced by residents at Harbour House. Staff also...
Process of answering
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Exploring the parallel universe of loss and grief
A case study One client - experiencing his first significant loss - described his grief experience as a kind of parallel universe he’d been transported across to. We’ll call him Anthony. Everything from Anthony’s old life was there in the parallel universe. Well,...
Difficult emotions, midlife unraveling, and oscillating grief
We love to share with you the articles and other grief resources we find useful or inspirational. Here's what we've enjoyed recently... The courage to face difficult emotions We always love to find more folks taking a stand against “positivity culture.” Positivity...